Choose Joy

Romanticize Your Life

See The Good, Say The Good!

Grab Childlike Joy!

Joy vs. Fear

Useless Days

EXERCISE = Growing Younger!
Good Morning! You can improve your life dramatically with regular exercise, even after a serious illness. Maybe you fell off of your exercise routine sometime during the pandemic with gyms closing and opening and closing again, but don’t let yourself use that as an excuse. Here’s why: Every day you’re not exercising, you’re allowing your body […]
Thoughtful Passion
QUOTE: “Joy is the most magnetic force in the universe.” –Danielle LaPorte Good Morning! Take some quiet time to think about if we are journeying with purpose into what we are passionate about—or even being passionate to find our purpose. Take some time to notice how you feel when you are doing what you do. […]
NUTRITION – How Do You Enjoy Food?
QUOTE: “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” –Virginia Woolf Good Morning! Just like we talked about slowing down in our life and in our work last week on Labor Day, today that spills over into how we eat.I was talking to a wonderful, passionate dietician, Samantha Kalb […]
LIFESTYLE – Slowing Down
QUOTE: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” -Abraham Lincoln Good Morning! Is it time to slow down?… We have sped up our living and we are working in a fast-paced, interruption-driven culture. So have we stopped to ask, is it helping or […]