“At any moment in your life, you have a choice to focus on the pain or open your thinking and look for the good in spite of the bad.”

– Joel Weldon


Would you like a solution? You might ask, “A solution to what?” Actually it is a solution to almost anything that is upsetting, dark, painful or just not good.

You can even make it a game, like Joel Weldon talks about in his talk (video link below)—The Glad Game—How to Find The Glad In Spite of the Bad. His rules for the Glad Game are in this week’s tip. Over and over, you hear me say that seeing the good eventually becomes automatic and changes your life and your level of success in your life and even your business. It’s a matter of focus. The bad or negative things don’t vanish, they just take their seat in the background and slowly fade when we focus on the good in the situation or in the person.

Just like Joel says in his talk, “Life is filled with imperfections, but when you play Joel’s Glad Game and you focus on finding something positive about everything in your life, you will see solutions you never imagined existed before and then the world will never notice the imperfections!” And neither will YOU!

You might even say, “This sounds too Pollyannaish.” It IS!

Here is the dictionary definition of Pollyanna: “An excessively cheerful or optimistic person.” Would you rather be an excessively cynical or pessimistic person? It’s a choice you get to make. Just know that part of living vibrantly is authentic optimism and joyfulness!

So here’s the tip:

Here it is: Joel Weldon’s 2-step rule for The Glad Game:

  1. When anything bad happens, PAUSE
  2. Find the good in the bad: Focus on finding the positive things in your life.

Please play this game starting today. Every moment can be a new beginning for you. At any moment in your life, you have a choice to focus on the pain or open your thinking and look for the good in spite of the bad.

Remember: The choice is to Live Vibrantly or to Live Sluggishly and Fearfully

FINAL TIP: Watch Joel’s talk. It will make you laugh while you learn.


“Getting into great shape is fun and wonderful if you’re healthy, but it’s essential if you’re not.”

– Henry S. Lodge, M.D.


You can improve your life dramatically with regular exercise, even after a serious illness. Maybe you fell off of your exercise routine sometime during the pandemic with gyms closing and opening and closing again, but don’t let yourself use that as an excuse. Here’s why:

Every day you’re not exercising, you’re allowing your body to decay—literally! It’s just a chemical fact. When your body notices a “shut down” like not exercising (or not eating), it “helps” you by tearing down fiber or muscle so that you can “survive” the situation that caused the shut down. The body is very efficient. If you’re not using a muscle it gets rid of the muscle as quickly as possible so that your body doesn’t need to support it with blood, nutrients, etc. So, the less active you are, the more “fit” fiber you lose. The more active you are, the more “fit” fiber you build.

Here is your vibrant tip for the week! 

If you want your body to work for you, work it! Little by little you can increase the time and intensity of exercise.

Work it in in several ways:

  1. Cardio (of any kind from elliptical to dancing)
  2. Strength training (of any kind from weights to resistance to toning)
  3. Stretching (lengthening muscles makes your body more limber to move easier)

Make movement a priority in your life and in each and every day. However much or however little you can do each day – just do it! You will not regret it!

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive but in finding something to live for.

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that individuals with high levels of eudemonic well-being—which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control and a feeling like what you do is worthwhile—tend to live longer. Other researchers found that well-being might be protective of health maintenance.

Karen’s Vibrant Tip for Today – Identifying your Purpose for Living

If you have already determined your purpose, be sure that you get to devote time to it regularly especially if your purpose is something other than what you do day in and day out.

If you haven’t already determined your purpose, jot down thoughts about why you want to keep living.

What would you not be able to live without? I’m not talking about things like food, water, or your cocktail choice. I’m talking about why do you want to keep living? It can be as simple as I want to keep living so I can read OR paint OR learn OR be here when my children need me OR work on my boat OR…anything at all.

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”

– Tim Ferriss

Karen’s Vibrant Tip for Today – Productivity

In my coaching with business owners and key executives, I’ve watched them get tons more accomplished when they use my system that began with Stephen Covey’s Habit #2 in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It works! Try it at home AND at work: Begin With The End In Mind! Before you dive in decide clearly where you want to end up—with the project, the day, the week. See how much time you gain. See how much more time you have left for the things that enhance your life so you can LIVE VIBRANTLY!


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