“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
–Virginia Woolf
Good Morning!
Just like we talked about slowing down in our life and in our work last week on Labor Day, today that spills over into how we eat.
I was talking to a wonderful, passionate dietician, Samantha Kalb and I was so happy to hear her say:
I was talking to a wonderful, passionate dietician, Samantha Kalb and I was so happy to hear her say:
“I believe food is one of the greatest joys we share as human beings.
In today’s fast-paced society we easily disregard all that food offers.
The experience of eating!”
When was the last time you really paused and recognized what your food tastes like? What is the texture? The sensation?” Next time you’re eating, pause to ask yourself these questions and see how eating can bring even more joy to your life.”
Be a slow eater! Here is why:
*A recent study out of Kyushu University in Japan found that people
who take time to chew slowly have better digestion and feel fuller,
*Researchers also found that, on average, slower eaters had a smaller
waist circumference and lower body mass index.
Since you now (because you’re living a vibrant life) eat only healthy, nutritious food, treat it like you do an expensive glass of wine or a very rare tea or coffee. Inhale the aroma. As you put a bite in your mouth, stop to lusciously analyze that first bite. As Samantha Kalb, that wonderfully passionate nutritionist, suggested, “Ask yourself… What is the texture? The sensation?”
Next time you’re eating PAUSE to ask yourself these questions and see how eating can bring even more joy to your life: What does what I’m eating taste like? What is the texture? The sensation?