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Holiday Gatherings

“Carve your name on hearts and not on marble.”

– Charles Spurgeon

Good Morning!

Forgive me for saying these words at this time of year: “Social Distancing.” Wow! . . . Did that produce strong emotions in you? I wish the term could be “Physical Distancing,” so we would know we still need to and get to be social. We cannot wait to leave “social distancing” behind! Connection to people is in our very DNA. We are not whole without others. Family, friends, faith, and good will make life truly worth living.

A recent scientific study concluded:
” Social connectedness was found to be a stronger and more consistent predictor of mental health year-on-year than mental health was of social connectedness.”

Thanks – but we knew this without the science. We are made to gather together. It is absolutely essential to our well being. Tis the season (isn’t it?), to make this a priority in our lives, however challenging it may be right now.

Karen’s Vibrant Tip for Today – Holiday Gatherings

In the spirit of these holidays and in your human spirit – find some way to gather with someone this holiday season. Perhaps a small gift of a quick visit at the door with a neighbor, perhaps an unexpected Zoom call or facetime call. A meal in a safe spot. It is essential for you and it is essential for them. Find some face to face time. The difficulties of this time will make it extra special. Have a little social proximity wherever you can.


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